CHOCCO (Setter Mix)

GREENVILLE, SC.....Hurricanes and Kennel Cough are a combination, I would not wish on anyone.   Sadly, that is precisely what we had to deal with.  We were preparing for the Hurricane when I noticed the final notice from Greenville County for a sweet dog they had been posting for the past two weeks.  Chocco was a two-year-old pup picked up as a stray.  Her medical records said bilateral hip dysplasia and a cruciate ligament tear on the right stifle.


There was nothing crazy going on with this beautiful Setter Mix which is why I knew another rescue would surely pick her up. When I received the final notice, I was shocked to see Chocco on the PTS list. I had to be missing something, so I contacted the shelter. Everyone was packed, and no one wanted to take on a dog that might need surgery and was high energy.


With the Hurricane coming in our direction, I knew Chocco's chances were slim and NONE.   I asked the shelter to put a plea out for transportation to CVRC in Charleston, SC.  Chocco could have her surgery and ride out the storm in the hospital.   We have 32 dogs at Noah's Arks Rescue.  Each is in various stages of healing and hospice care.


I watched the storm and was making plans when I got a desperate text from CVRC concerning Chocco.  She had Kennel Cough, and they could not keep her.  She could return in two weeks or later once she was no longer contagious.  To say I was upset was an understatement.   I called around, and no Vet Hospital had a place for a dog with Kennel Cough.  Most Hospitals in the area were closing because of the storm.


I had no choice but to create a quarantine area that would not affect any other dogs in our care.  Kennel Cough would wipe out many older dogs with lung and heart issues.  Dogs in the Quarantine area had to be moved into the Training Room.  We have a strict protocol for Kennel Cough that must be adhered to.  Only certain people could look after Chocco, and they had to be suited up with gowns, gloves, and booties.  Once they left the room, gowns, gloves, and booties were discarded.


The Hurricane came and went with only minor wind and rain damage. Chocco is finally over her Kennel Cough and can come out of quarantine.  We can now address the original issues she had when we rescued her.  We hadn't planned on saving a dog with Kennel Cough because of our severe medical cases.  The good news is that Chocco's diagnosis wasn't discovered until after she had arrived at the ER.  Once we have a dog, we care for them no matter what we find out.


We now have to pay for Chocco's medical bills and figure out her other medical issues.  Please, Donate whatever you can to give this precious pup the best possible outcome and get her into a fabulous home. 

October 11, 2022 by Jennifer Smith