DAISY (Chihuahua)
LAWRENCEVILLE, GA......One Man's Trash is another Man's Treasure. That should be our Motto next to so many others I use often. Holidays are the time we see the most abuses, and most animals discarded. Sweet Daisy was picked up as a stray in Gwinnett County, barely able to walk. Starved with a massive Mammary Tumor that had erupted. We had agreed to take another pup that was already spoken for, and Daisy had no one. One look and I knew she had to come to us.
Daisy is an adorable long-eared Chihuahua the Shelter had as four years old but is closer to eight to nine years old. The age we are basing on her teeth and the mammary growths she has. She was found wandering around in horrible medical condition. On a body score from 1-10, Daisy was a 2. Poor pup appears to have been used for breeding purposes until she became too sick to have any new litters and was discarded.
Daisy was taken to CVRC in Charleston, where the ER Team was waiting for her arrival. I had already described her condition, but the ER was shocked when she arrived. The first hour was spent stabilizing her since she had lost so much blood from the ruptured tumor. It was five days before Daisy could have her first of many operations. She was in terrible pain and had been suffering for weeks with this ruptured mass.
Dr. Seibert was planning to surgically remove one side of Daisy's mammary chain and then do the other side a week later. Once she got in and saw how enormous her Lymph Node was, she knew total removal was not going to happen today. The abscessed tumor was removed along with the Lymph Node and was sent off for a biopsy.
Daisy had to have a blood transfusion after the procedure to get her stable. It took this sweet pup almost a week to get stable while in ICU. Each day we got a different prognosis. I was not sure if we were going to say Good-Bye or give comfort and bring her back to the Rehab Center. Our hearts were torn in a million different directions, wondering what was best for our sweet Angel.
As weak as Daisy was, her eyes were filled with so much Hope and Love, I knew I had to keep going to get her on the other side of this Nightmare. She had already endured a Lifetime of neglect, pain, and suffering. She could have given up and died a long time ago, but here she was under our Care. There was no way I could turn my back on her and not do everything possible to save her. I knew in my heart she had cancer, and her time with us would be short. I also knew I wanted her to be free of pain and know unconditional Love for as long as her time with us would be.
Our very special Angel is out of ICU and in our arms, recovering. Her blood values have regenerated, and she is happy and barking. We are taking it one day at a time and will decide on more surgery based on how well she recovers. For now, stable and Loved is a Gift we will take. Please, Donate whatever you can so we can give Daisy the best chance possible to live the rest of her Life free of pain and suffering.
GIVING THANKS.....I hope everyone had a joyful Thanksgiving surrounded by loving Friends and Family. Holidays are a terrible time of year for a lot of people. Please, be mindful of your neighbors and friends that are on hard-times. A lot of suicides happen during the Holidays, and animals are left homeless and abandoned. My Wish for the Holiday Season is no Homeless Animals and the ability to supply Medical Care and unconditional Love to those less fortunate. Your devotion to Noah's Arks Rescue and our pups is a Miracle. I am thankful for you and your generous Hearts every day of the year. Warm hugs and much Love from everyone at Noah's Arks Rescue.