DANDY (Border Collie)
BENNETTSVILLE, SC......The Human Race appears to get crueler by the minute regarding Animals. I am past the point of being shocked but never past the point of feeling the heart-breaking sadness these precious pups endure. Adorable Dandy is a one-year-old Border Collie Mix. He was picked up as a stray and taken to the Humane Society of Marlboro County.
He was scheduled to be euthanized if no one stepped up for him by the end of the day. No one wanted to take the chance on a dog in this condition. When I got the email, I was shocked he was on the PTS list. I immediately said YES, and a wonderful person Volunteered to drive him to our ER Hospital in Charleston, SC.
Dandy's lower jaw is broken in several places and must be removed entirely. The breaks are in stages of when they are broken since one side is necrotic, and the other is a fresher break. Scans were done to see if there was any chance we could plate any part of the jaw, but the scans showed that was not possible.
We initially thought it was a firecracker incident, but no sign of skin or hair burned. If this had been an automobile accident, he would have had road rash or other signs of blunt-force trauma. We could not find any. We will never understand or know if something horrible happened to this poor pup. All I do know is he is safe and with us.
Precious Dandy could care less about his circumstances. He does not have a mean bone in his body. His tail never stops wagging, and he works around his broken jaw to get food and water. He is very skinny because of his circumstances. His injuries are several weeks old, which explains his lack of weight.
Dandy had surgery to remove his lower jaw and is recovering well. Unfortunately, he regurgitated a lot 24 hours after the procedure and developed pneumonia. He has a slight cough and is on antibiotics. His x-rays show that he is improving daily.
The best way for Dandy to eat is with our thick gruel. He uses his tongue to get food and water into his mouth but cannot chew because he no longer has a lower jaw. He is doing exceptionally well, getting the nutrients he needs to regain weight. Dogs do well without a lower jaw. They adapt their feeding style to accommodate the loss.
Dandy was found without a tag or microchip. He had no form of identification so that the Owner could be contacted. Dandy should have had someone looking for him. He is the sweetest pup you will ever meet. He loves everyone and is delighted with every dog he meets. He is perfect in every way, even with his lower jaw missing. We admire how he never gave up and kept his sweet demeanor during all his pain and suffering.
Dandy has done the hard part; now, we must raise funds for his surgery and medical care. Please, DONATE as much as possible to care for this precious pup. Any amount is greatly appreciated.