HANK (Redbone)
ANDERSON, SC.....No matter how often I type the words ABUSE regarding a puppy, my heart aches. If you don't want puppies, then get your dogs spayed or neutered. If you don't want pee on your floor, don't get a puppy or an older dog. If you don't want your shoes chewed, don't get a puppy.
It is pretty simple, but people don't listen. They get the puppies anyway and then torture and abuse them until they are either dead or so fearful of their human; they cower the minute they come near them. The abuse we see is beyond anything you could imagine.
Poor Hank is a magnificent four-month-old Redbone Hound. He appears to be pure-breed. His ears are so long and velvety they could be twin blankets. His eyes are full of hope and wonder. Looking at this puppy is like looking into the Soul of an Angel.
Hank was picked up as a stray and taken to Anderson County PAWS. He was diagnosed with a Diaphormatic Hernia and was critical. I had Hank transported to CVRC in Charleston, SC., where he was admitted to ICU. I have no idea how long Hank had been this way, but I did know he would not live much longer in that condition.
I assumed Hank had been hit by a car which is what we see all the time. The injuries Hank had were more consistent with being violently kicked. As you can see from his x-ray, most of his lower internal organs were pushed up and through his diaphragm. Hernias (such as Hank's) cause organs that do not get proper blood supply to die when constricted. Hank's body was in distress, and he needed emergency surgery the minute he was stable.
If an automobile had hit Hank, he would probably be dead based on his size and the size of the hernia. He would also have bruises and broken bones. Hank does not have any of that. The force it took to cause the hernia was a direct hit from under Hank, which we believe was from being kicked. I am sure after such a blow, Hank wandered off where he could not be injured any further.
Hank had emergency surgery to repair his diaphragm and to put his organs back where they belonged. Adhesions had formed, which indicated the hernia had been there for a while. Our sweet boy needed a blood transfusion since his blood levels were not regenerating fast enough after his injury and surgery.
Hank was in ICU for quite a while recovering and eventually came to our Rehab facility. The bills for his procedure and ICU stay were beyond anything you could imagine. Just about the time I was going to post for Hank, he was rushed back to CVRC with pale gums and throwing up. This poor dog could not catch a break. Hank was back in ICU thinner than ever. Every Specialist at CVRC was involved in his care. Another transfusion and another week in ICU, and Hank is finally back with us.
My gut was now in knots from all the bills. My heart was also telling me there was more going on that had not been diagnosed. Several days later, I was outside with Hank when I heard his body making the strangest tiny noise. No one heard it but me, but it was there. My Staff looked at me like I was crazy. Hank regurgitated several minutes later.
When I feel uneasy about one of my dogs, I never sit around to wait and see what it is. I immediately make arrangements to get the dog to the Vet. It could be nothing, but it is usually something critical. I texted CVRC and explained I was bringing Hank back. They admitted him, and he was his usual chipper self. They did his blood values which were at the low end of normal, and gave him something for nausea. The next day, he came back to us.
Two days later, Hank was throwing up again, and this time when I went back, I was adamant he was not coming back until they figured this out. CVRC did more ultrasounds and scans. We finally had an answer. A part of Hank's liver had lost blood flow when it was trapped in the herniated diaphragm. Once the liver was put back, blood flow resumed to the liver, and a part of his liver was severely damaged and needed to be removed.
On top of that, they discovered Hank has a PRAA (Persistent Right Aortic Arch) that prevented food from going down. PRAA is a congenital anomaly of the heart's blood vessels that results in constriction of the esophagus. I have enclosed pictures to show you what a normal esophagus and a PRAA look like.
Hank needed two significant surgeries, or he would Die. Both were almost impossible. All of the surgeons got together to decide which surgery should come first and if they could both be done simultaneously. Each surgeon had a different answer, so it was up to me to determine. I wanted everyone to sleep on it, and we would reconvene early in the morning.
I was very comfortable taking care of a dog with a PRAA since I have had several with the anomaly. I wanted Hank to have his damaged liver lobe removed. I also wanted to make sure an extra surgeon was on hand if things went South so we could save this precious pup. The liver surgery went well without any complications. Hank was back in ICU and has been doing well since. He is too emaciated to go back to surgery, so we keep him at our Rehab Facility while we fatten him up.
While Hank recovers, we feed him in a Bailey Chair, which allows him to sit upright while he eats. He is given a particular food slurry and then remains in the chair for 30 minutes after his meal. We do this for every meal, and so far, it is working. We have to put at least five pounds on him before he can go back to surgery, and we may need to do more since he is a growing puppy.
We have one more surgery, and the bills are already astronomical after our well-deserved. CVRC does all they can to help us financially and medically so we can keep saving abused dogs. The bills are still higher than you could imagine. I need everyone to Donate something toward the bills for Hank so we can proceed and do his final surgery. If you can donate more than normal, well, this is the dog to do it for because he needs all we can get.
Hank is a four-month-old puppy that should have never been in this situation. His first two surgeries are because someone took out their anger on this innocent Soul. His third surgery is bad genetics that no one could have predicted. PLEASE, Help Us, Help Hank by Donating. He has the rest of his Life ahead of him. Let's give him back the Life that was stolen from him.