Happy Holidays 2021
I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a wonderful Holiday filled with much Joy and Laughter. The last two years have been difficult at best. People's homes and livelihoods have been lost with no hope of returning. In the midst of all the hardships, there is always a glimmer of Hope. I have chosen not to post as many animals due to the difficulties people face. We are still taking in abused animals, supplying surgery and medical care, and finding homes for those we do not have room for.
Noah's Arks Rescue does what we have always done; we save abused animals scheduled to be euthanized. There is more abuse and neglect now more than there ever has been. We need funds just as much now as we ever had. The difference is the hardships we see are not posted as often because Covid has caused so much hardship and depression globally. We do not want to add to the despair people are experiencing.
Instead of sending around a plea for a specific animal, I decided to send around a video of what we do at Noah's Arks Rescue. Our Mission is still the same: Heal the Abused (no matter the cost) and give them the best Quality of Life possible. If they cannot be adopted and are in our Hospice Program, they live out their Life with us, surrounded by the most loving Staff.
If you believe in what we do, please support our cause. If you ever wonder what we are doing, play this video, and you will understand. We are showing unconditional Love and Care to every animal we save.
Warm hugs and much love from Jennifer, the Staff, and Volunteers at Noah's Arks Rescue and Fetch Mkt.
Have a very blessed Holiday Season filled with much Joy and Laughter.
We wanted to thank Kay Carter for the amazing Video she Gifted to us.