Little Boy (Hound)
ANDERSON, SC.....We were sent a desperate plea for help with an older Hound Mix. The Family had contacted Anderson County PAWS when it was determined the Owner had to be placed in a Nursing Home. Neither Mother nor Grand-daughter had a place to keep Little Boy. He had lived with his Owner since a baby, and now Little Boy had a medical emergency.
I looked at the plea and then went on about saving medical abuse cases. I kept coming back to the post to see if anyone had stepped up to help this pup. Sadly, no one was thinking about helping a 14-year-old dog with a mangled foot that was depressed. By the end of the day, I knew this sweet dog was not going to get the medical care he needed and would probably be put to sleep.
I hear the same quote a thousand times a day from people, "Not my problem." We tell people to reach out for help, but help rarely comes when they do reach out. Quality of Life, at the End of Life, is something we take very seriously at Noah's Arks Rescue. Life matters, no matter the age. I reached out to say we would take Little Boy as he had been called his entire Life. Rescue was arranged, and he was brought to CVRC in Charleston, SC.
Within hours, I got messages asking if he was there to be put to sleep since he was so despondent. I said to do a thorough evaluation and treat him as they would any of our dogs. I knew from looking at the foot, the growth was probably a tumor, and given his age, it was probably cancer. None of the things I just mentioned are reasons not to help an animal. Too many people look for excuses not to help. The items I mentioned are the very reason this pup needs looking after.
No animal should suffer from cancer or an injury. Poor Little Boy had suffered long enough, and he was giving up. He needed a Reason to Live, and I was going to give him several. Dying is easy, but Living is what is hard when you are sick and injured. All weekend the Staff at CVRC worked tirelessly to turn this precious pups Life around.
The list of ailments went on and on for Little Boy. He had never been given any Veterinary Care during his Lifetime, and it was showing. We worked on getting his pain under control and getting his blood values stabile. His electrolytes were starting to normalize, and he finally began to feel well enough to eat. This sweet, sweet pup wanted nothing but affection. He could endure anything as long as someone cared.
I gave him until Monday to want to live. If he did not bounce back with all of the medical support we were giving him, then there was no point in surgery on his foot. I was not going to put him through that only to have him pass from the trauma caused by the operation. Monday came around, and Little Boy must have known today was the big day, because he became more animated and interacted with everyone.
I rounded with his Medical Team and his Oncologist and decided he would benefit from having the toe removed with wide margins. We would then send off the growth for a definitive diagnosis. We found growths on his lungs, so we already knew he had cancer. His respiratory system was not compromised at this time, so we decided surgery was his best option. Little Boy gets stronger each day and is stable enough to have surgery this afternoon.
Let's give this special pup the medical care he should have had all along. He is a sweet loving, hound dog that wants nothing but someone to rub his belly. Once he has recovered from his surgery, Dr. Rissetto will get the biopsy report and determine if he would benefit from chemotherapy.
We are doing everything we can to keep this ship afloat, help abused dogs, and not burden our Donors with too many requests for funds. We have three new cases that are each critical. We are now back to begging for funds. Please, donate whatever you can to give each dog a chance at Life filled with unconditional Love and Care.