LIZZY (Gwinnett)
GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA.....I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with lots of Joy and Laughter. The year will soon close, and we are in crunch mode to get every animal's medical bills paid before the year ends. Today is Giving Tuesday, and what better way to celebrate than to donate to an abused dog?
I was e-mailed about a desperate pup in Gwinnett that someone had seen while visiting the shelter. Lizzy had just come in, and no one wanted to take on this precious girl. I hear excuse after excuse about these abused pups, but none matters when you see an animal that has suffered for most of their Life, and they are still here wanting Love.
Lizzy, we are guessing, is around two years old. She was picked up as a stray in horrible shape. A wonderful Volunteer agreed to drive five hours to get her to us in South Carolina. She was brought to our vet, Dr. Marikay Campbell, in Port Royal. Dr. Campbell couldn't believe the horrible condition sweet Lizzy was in. Lots of bloodwork was done, and she was put on fluids.
The worst part for Lizzy was her poor skin and parasites. She was anemic from parasites feeding on her poor body. She appeared to have yeast dermatitis, which explains the elephant-type skin on her legs and underbelly. The rest of her body had lost a lot of fur from a flea allergy. Abnormal overgrowth of yeast can be an itchy problem. The constant scratching and itching is part of having pachydermatitis; the elephant folds you see on precious Lizzy.
It will be years before her skin returns to normal, and some areas will never completely heal. We believe under this horrible mess is a sweet, loving Mini-Schnauzer. Lizzy loves everyone. Even with her daily treatments, she gives everyone kisses. Her flea and parasite problem has finally been resolved, and her anemia has improved. The best news is her skin has stopped itching, so she does not want to scratch all day and night.
Lizzy also has Cherry Eye, a disorder of the nictitating membrane (NM) called the third eyelid. Once her blood values have stabilized and her skin has healed, she can have surgery to correct the problem. In the meantime, she is getting medication to ease the discomfort.
We are making slow progress on the skin issues and significant progress in Lizzy's quality of Life. How anyone could allow this pup to get this way is beyond inhumane. The constant itching would drive anyone insane.
I always say never to judge a book by its cover. Lizzy is a perfect example of seeing an abused dog but never really seeing the beautiful Soul inside. I am so glad we got to give Lizzy a new Life. Her Journey to Heal and find Love has just begun. Thanks for being part of her Journey. Your Support is greatly needed for Lizzy and all the abused pups in our care. Please Donate and give the Gift of Life.