RINGO (Small Terrier Mix)

COLUMBIA, SC......I received a text from Animal Control at Columbia Animal Care Services begging for help with a one-year-old, 15 lb. terrier mix that had been run over.   Animal Control was very specific in letting me know that this sweet pup was not just hit but was run over.   Ringo was brought in by the person that ran over him when he ran out in front of their vehicle.


It was late, and the note I received below says it all.


Urgent!! – Snapper is at Columbia Animal Services in Columbia, SC.  We are seeking an IMMEDIATE MEDICAL PULL for him as he is at risk of euthanasia by 5 pm if we cannot get a 501c3 rescue to commit to him due to the severity of his injuries and that we do NOT have the resources to care for him over the weekend properly!  We do not have a vet today or tomorrow and cannot treat him.


We changed his name to Ringo and agreed to take him, knowing he would break the bank with his medical care.  A vet in Columbia offered to keep him through the night and transport him to the Charleston Veterinary Referral Center (CVRC) in the morning for us.   At this time, x-rays had not been done, and we knew, based on his pain level, that he was critical.


I informed CVRC that he would be arriving in the morning and emphasized how critical his condition was. Sweet Ringo arrived and was immediately taken back for assessment. He had several serious injuries, including a pneumothorax, a fracture of the right scapula, luxations of both the left and right sacroiliac joints, and an impaction-type fracture of the right acetabulum (articular), which resulted in a narrowing of the pelvic canal. Additionally, there was a fracture of the left pubic bone and intracapsular soft tissue swelling of the right stifle.


Ringo was too weak and depleted for any surgery to happen.  Dr. Sura, his surgeon, did not think he would survive the procedures he would need to walk again.  I was also informed his procedures (after our discount) would still be way over $20K, and he would probably need extensive rehab.   Dr. Sura needed a CAT scan to see if any damage was done to his spine.  I approved her going forward, saying we would talk after the scan.


I was prepared for more injuries and accepted that no matter how much I wanted to save an animal, some cannot be saved. Dr. Sura got back to me and was shocked Ringo did not have any spinal injuries or damage to his spinal cord. He has a deep pain sensation, was able to move his tail, and should be able to use the bathroom once he is stable. 


Adorable Ringo looked like a dog that wanted to live. His poor body was broken, and he was in pain, but there was still a lot of Life left in this precious tiny pup. I told Dr. Sura that if Ringo survived the weekend, she could proceed with his surgeries on Monday Morning. During the weekend, he started eating and became familiar with his surroundings and Team of Specialists.  He no longer wanted to bite everyone who got near him and even allowed certain people to hold him. 


Ringo did well with each of his surgeries and had to remain in the hospital in ICU for almost two weeks while he recovered.  I was told Ringo had to be on strict cage rest for two months once we took him out of the hospital.  He is now with us recovering and is finally allowing us to cuddle and pamper him.  He has a long road ahead, but we are very optimistic. 


Now, the hard part: We must raise funds to cover his procedures and rehab. Please donate as much as you can for this precious pup. Any amount is greatly appreciated.    

March 18, 2025 by Jennifer Smith