RYDER (Brindle Pitbull)
LOBECO, SC.....Sweet Ryder is a one-year-old brindle Pitbull that someone used as a Bait Dog based on the new and old wounds all over his head. A Good Samaritan was checking on his land in Lobeco, SC, when he suddenly saw an injured dog running across his land. He went to check on him, and when he opened the door of his vehicle, Ryder jumped in.
There was another dog in the vehicle, and Ryder could care less about her except that he is an unaltered male kind of interest. Ryder was taken to Beaufort County Animal Services before being transported to CVRC in Charleston, SC.
Ryder's poor head and ears had been chewed and mangled, and his left ear was almost torn off. The sad fact is Dog Fighting has been around for hundreds of years. No matter what strives we make to stop this inhumane barbarian way of life, it keeps happening. It is beyond me how anyone can sit back, knowing your neighbor and friend is doing this to Man's Best Friend and doing nothing.
Dogfighting is not because of Covid or the President of the United States. Some sorry, inhumane person finds joy and excitement from watching a poor defenseless animal torn to bits. We deal with this almost daily in this Country. I had Ryder taken to Beaufort County Animal Services first to document the abuse and possibly find the person who did this. Someone out there knows this dog and where the fighting is happening. They are cowards if they do not turn the people in.
When Ryder first arrived at the hospital, he was scared to death but not in a fearful biting way. He did not know how to act and was petrified of anyone wanting to pick him up. One of the Vet Techs held him in her arms until he quit shaking. He finally began to relax and embrace the feeling of being loved for the very first time. Life is all about the moments when an animal feels safe.
Ryder has to have his wounds cleaned and bandaged several times a day. Each time he has to be sedated since he is so wiggly and active. The ER Team has had a terrible time keeping the bandages where the deepest wounds are. Bite wounds cannot be closed until the possibility of infection has passed. The wounds have shown significant progress in the short time we have had Ryder. Once the damaged area was cleaned and debrided, the ER Team found beautiful, rosy tissue that could now granulate.
Ryder has several weeks of constant wound care before the wounds can be closed. Given how large the one gash is behind Ryder's ear, we are hopeful the tissue will granulate and fill in the area without us having to surgically close the area. That would be the best-case scenario since pulling and sewing tissue together over a large area causes tension that can become too tight and uncomfortable over time.
Ryder is a sweet, sweet boy that has had a terrible beginning. We are doing everything we can to build up his confidence while treating his wounds. As soon as he is strong enough to be neutered, he will lose his Crown Jewels. The Vets and Vet Techs have not seen any aggression toward other dogs. He is curious with male dogs and very interested in female companionship. Right now, he just wants to play and be loved on.
In the meantime, we have to raise funds for his medical bills. Please, Donate whatever you can to help this sweet boy heal from the abuse he has endured. Your love and support will give Ryder back his life to grow up and find a loving home where his past will be a distant memory. Thanks for caring about him and all the other abused pups in our care.