SANDY ( Golden/Lab)
CHARLOTTE, NC.....Adorable Sandy is a one-year-old golden/lab mix puppy that was hit by a car. A good Samaritan says she ran along a frontage road when she suddenly startled and ran in front of a vehicle. The vehicle that hit her did not stop, and the person that saw it happen ran to pick her up and got her to the ER in Charlotte.
She was named Sandy, but Humpity-Dumpty would be a more fitting name with all her breaks. This sweet pup was on Stray-Hold, but her injuries were too significant to allow her to suffer, so a plea went out for help. No owners came forth, which is sad since she is a fabulous dog with the best personality.
Once I got all the facts, I realized her surgical bills alone would be close to $10K. I knew no other rescue would take on a dog that would require three orthopedic surgical procedures. I agreed to take her and had her moved from the ER Hospital where she was to CVRC in Charleston, SC. I did my best to get the other hospital to honor the discount I get at CVRC, but they would not.
When sweet Sandy arrived, she was immediately taken back to the ER Team. Her x-rays showed she had a comminuted right tibia/fibula fracture, distal right femoral fracture, left femoral neck fracture, pubic and ischial fractures +/- left SI luxation +/- left acetabular fracture, and superficial abrasions.
Sandy was non-ambulatory, severe swelling of the right pelvic limb with visible instability (palpable fracture of tibia and femur), non-weight bearing on the left pelvic limb with pain on hip extension. This poor pup had extensive injuries from the impact and was still doing her best to smile.
Surgery was called in to determine the best course of action with her traumatic breaks. It was decided they needed a Cat Scan before proceeding, so they had a better picture of her spine, hips, and pelvic area. After everyone had gone over all scans, Sandy was approved for surgery. Dr. Rachel Seibert was on call for her first procedure.
Dr. Seibert followed Sandy all along and was glad she was on call for her FHO (Femoral Head Ostectomy) surgery on her left hip. While Sandy was sedated, it gave Dr. Seibert a chance to access the rest of her injuries and ensure nothing else was wrong. Sandy did well for the procedure and came out of recovery without any issues. Sandy remained in ICU, recovering until she was well enough for her subsequent surgery several days later.
Dr. Steve Garnett got the short straw for the most complicated procedures. He was putting Sandy's leg back together, so she did not lose it. Dr. Garnett repaired the femur fracture using cross pins. The tibia fracture was repaired using an IM pin and a bridging locking plate. Sandy did well under anesthesia with both of these surgeries and has done well since.
Sandy still has to walk with assistance. Dr. Rachel Seibert had decided she would foster Sandy through her recovery. We have had a few complications where Sandy had to go back to the hospital, but all in all, she has done well. The next few weeks are going to be critical for Sandy to get the results we want.
We now have to pay for all of her procedures. Please, donate whatever you can for dear Sandy. She will have more surgery before we are done, but the most complicated ones have been done, and she is doing well.