Kind Laundry - Stain Remover Bar, travel size


Kind Laundry’s Travel Size Vegan Stain Remover Bar is perfect for traveling. It’s lightweight and liquid-free, so it’s easy to pack and won’t make a mess in your bag.

It's also safe for hand-washing your delicates in the sink or bowl for effortless stain removal.

Our specialized formula uses natural surfactants to lift away the proteins and fats clinging to your clothes. Simple, painless, and chemical-free!

Made in Ontario, Canada

• Made in Canada
• Dimensions: 2.5″ x 1.5″ (6.4 x 3.8 cm)

Eco-friendly information

Product Materials: Biodegradable, Compostable, Nontoxic, Organic, Plastic-free, Recycled, Reusable, Upcycled, Vegan
Packaging: Biodegradable, Compostable, Plastic-free, Recyclable, Recycled, Zero waste
Production: Carbon neutral, Ethically sourced, Fair trade, Sustainably sourced

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