ABBI (Yellow Lab)
LEXINGTON, NC....Beautiful 7-year-old Yellow Lab was brought to the Davidson County Animal Shelter to be EUTHANIZED. The Owner said she had never received any medical care and had an enormous mass on her chest. Beautiful, Sweet and Loving and has spent her Life with this Family only to be Abandoned and Discarded. What the Hell is wrong with this World that someone could drop this amazing dog off without one bit of remorse?
I am Heartbroken for Abbi, and I am not the one doing this to her. Her Heartache is palpable, and yet she still loves and is not quite sure what is happening. A sadder truth is how many healthy dogs are brought to shelters daily to be euthanized because people want a younger dog or they didn't realize a puppy was going to be so much work. The excuses go on and on and yet none of these Heartless Sub-Humans have a clue the problem is not the innocent Dog but is THEM. They should have never been allowed to adopt a dog in the first place.
The minute I saw the plea for Abbi, I knew no one was going to help her with the mass on her chest and breathing problems. I also knew she was going to be coming to us at Noah's Arks Rescue. I wasn't sure what she had but knew we could get her better, and if she had cancer, we would deal with it. My gut told me her mass was a large fatty Lipoma similar to the one our other Lab, Abby had a couple of years ago.
We made arrangments for Abbi to be picked up ASAP since the shelter was full and they were concerned about her ability to breathe. She was brought to CVRC in Charleston, SC where they were awaiting her arrival. Abbi went straight back to ICU where they immediately took a fluid sample to see what they were dealing with. The sample came back as a fatty fluid which is indicative of a fatty Lipoma. Most Lipomas are benign and float below the skin.
Problems occur when Lipomas are left unattended for so long they infiltrate muscle and bone. That is generally what has happened when you see one the size of Abbi's. The good news was it appeared to be contained in a large area below the skin. Abby had surgery and has been in ICU recovering for the last four days with a drain inserted below the skin. She has a tight wrap around her chest/body area to prevent fluid from filling the space where the Lipoma was removed.
As long as the drain is active, it will have to remain in place. We will not bring Abbi to the Rehab Facility until the drain has been removed. We are hopeful that can happen in the next couple of days. Abbi is a fabulous sweet, gentle Lab that loves everyone. She will make a fantastic family dog once she has healed from her Surgical Procedure.
Abbi's Life has finally taken a turn for the better. She is still a young dog that has a lot of Life left to live. If you are interested in Abbi, Please, fill out an Application online for her. DO NOT wait until she has healed or you will have too many people ahead of you.
Abbi's Surgery and ICU was very costly. Please, DONATE whatever you can so we can help more dogs like Abbi get the Medical Care they need to live a long Life surrounded by people that will Love and Adore them.