BOSLEY (Terrier Mix)
GREENVILLE, SC....the last two weeks have been nightmares when it comes to pups we have taken in. Every dog is critical and getting worse by the day. Bosley was going to be euthanized if no one stepped up for him within a day. He was picked up as a stray and was so sick he was taken to the ER in Greenville, SC. He was later taken back to Animal Control where they begged for help for this sweet 7-year-old Terrier Mix that weighs around 20 lbs.
No one knows what happened to him or when his Life took a turn for the worse but he is in bad shape. He had to go back to the ER one more night and then was picked up and brought to CVRC in Charleston where our Critical Care Team was waiting for him. Bosley's symptoms were that he was very painful, could barely urinate, was extremely swollen in his abdominal area, his liver was enlarged, his liver values were abnormal and he was not stable.
Dr. Kristin Welch is our go-to Criticalist at CVRC and she can do Miracles. We test her expertise daily based on the cases we send her way. It was determined Bosley's pain was coming from a very enlarged Prostate that was preventing him from urinating. He was in such horrible pain that he would hold his urine. Dr. Welch had a good plan in place. Get Bosley stable, put a catheter in to empty his bladder and then neuter him in the next couple of days to deal with his prostate issues.
Dr. Val Tanco, a Reproductive Specialists was brought in to see what was best to give Bosley in the meantime to reduce his testosterone until he could safely be neutered. Bosley was finally getting comfortable and feeling better when out of the blue, he had a massive seizure. He was given Versed to stop the seizure and Dr. Jeremy Shomper, our Neurologist at CVRC, took over Bosley's immediate care. Dr. Shomper did lots of immediate testing to access Bosley's mental abilities. It took Bosley a long time to stabilize after the seizure but he did bounce back.
Plan A did not work so we are now on Plan B which is to give Bosley a couple of days in ICU to make sure he no longer has any Seizure activity and then if all is well, neuter him. This sweet boy is still not wanting to urinate because of his prostate issues so the catheter had to be put back in to give him some relief. Even with pain meds, he is uncomfortable. His blood and kidney values are looking a little better so we know we are making progress. Surgery is scheduled for him to be neutered and he is prepped for surgery. It should be a quick procedure with Dr. Jennifer Au.Right before he went into the OR, he had another episode only this time they were not sure if it was a seizure or something else. We have to get Bosley stabilized one more time.
Plan B did not work so we are now on Plan C which is to do an MRI to see what is going on with dear Bosley's Brain and to see if he has any residual damage from the episodes. We also decided to do a Spinal Tap to see what is going on with his Spinal Fluid. Bosley's blood pressure has now started to bottom out so they have to deal with that also. He is in ICU being closely monitored 24 /7 for anything that could possibly happen.
Bosley's MRI showed that in addition to his seizure activity which could resolve, he has been having mini-strokes which show damage on the MRI. We are now so far past Plan C that we will be using double letters very soon. Bosley is Critical and will remain in ICU addressing all of the new findings. We need for everyone to Donate toward this sweet pup. He broke the bank within the first three days and it has been almost a week. Any amount is appreciated. We have to continue going forward to get this sweet boy well. We are not going to give up but are going to dig our heels in and stay the course.