CAIN (Tiny Shelherd Mix)
Yesterday was a horrible day for everyone. The only good news was being able to turn around and focus on the pups that were healing that needed all of our attention. My philosophy is this: If you need a Hug, give a Hug. There were a lot of pups being hugged yesterday.
I was posting for sweet Cain when I got the call about Cupcake. That completely ruined me for posting about Cain since I needed to inform every one of Cupcake's untimely death. When I got to the Center, I became aware that our sweet boy Cain was not doing well either, so all of my attention went into figuring out what this special pup needed.
Cain was dropped off by his Owners to Fairfield County Animal Control and Adoption Center in Winnsboro, SC. The reason is that he had too many medical issues and they wanted him put down. This sweet pup was a 14 years old tiny Shepherd Mix that had terrible eye infections, ear infections and could barely walk from advanced Heartworm Disease. His hearing and sight were so bad that being in a foreign place such as a kennel was the worst thing in the World for him. Cain was scared and depressed where he was.
We were contacted about giving Cain a place to live out his Life surrounded by Loving Kindness. We only take on dogs that need extensive Medical Care from abuse. I wrestled and wrestled with moving dogs around since we are over-full and finally decided to get Cain to our Specialists in Columbia while I figured out where to put him. My heart broke when I saw how scared this special pup was. I decided to have Faith, reach in and grab this afraid Angel.
Cain was diagnosed with advanced Heartworm Disease and was started on a mild protocol to give him some relief by his Cardiologist. He was too advanced and too old to kill the heartworms. We got his eyes better, so the little vision he had left made him functional. His ears improved so he could hear a little to know where he was. We finally got him well enough to bring him to our Rehab Center. Cain was aloof but happy. Every day he got better and more confident.
When Cain first arrived, he did not want to be touched. It was as if he had never known the kindness of humans. Slowly, he learned to trust us and would walk over for an embrace or to be rubbed. We were making remarkable progress for a dog that had suffered for so long all alone. I find the hardest part of Rescue for me is seeing animals so scared of Humans. When all we want to do is love and care for them, and Human Presence causes them to be so frightened they urinate all over themselves. Hearts break every time we witness this.
Cain was putting weight on, his breathing improved and he loved being loved by us when suddenly yesterday he did not want to stand. All he wanted to do was lay down on the cool stone with one of us next to him. We checked his temperature which was mildly elevated and called his Vets. They said to give him a little time to see if he perked up and to call if he did not. By 1:30 I decided he needed to be seen by his vet and put on fluids. Cain had surrendered entirely to us and our loving embrace. He was finally comfortable and at Peace.
I was planning on getting Cain stable and then take him to the ER in Charleston when I stopped and took in this special pup as he lay the happiest he had ever been. I Loved Cain, and he trusted me to do right by him. This beautiful dog was finally at Peace and knew true Love. Within seconds, we said Good-Bye. Cain floated over the Rainbow Bridge with so much Love in his Heart.
We had Cain for only a couple of weeks. I never post for an animal until I get all of their Medical issues diagnosed or at least am moving forward with their care. Lots of Medical Costs go into their consideration before we ever make you aware of them. Each animal we take on is in danger of dying. We take on the worst cases and don't stop to post until we know we have our facts straight.
I don't want this beautiful dog to go unnoticed because he died before we had time to post for him. His Owners did not think he mattered. He was discarded for being sick and old. He was sick because they neglected him. Cain received a Lifetime of unconditional Love during the time he was with us. My ONLY regret is that I didn't know about him sooner so I could have Loved him longer. He didn't matter to the Family that had him, but he sure mattered to us. He was Beautiful, Soulful and Loved. He Mattered.
Cain is such a Gentle Soul that I am sure his Golden Angel Wings are the lightest feathers possible. Cain and Cupcake's kennels were next to each other. It is ironic they both crossed over the Rainbow Bridge the same day. The Pearly Gates to Heaven were probably still open when Cain came through running after Cupcake.
We never know what tomorrow brings. All we know is the here and now. As The Dalai Lama wrote, "There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday, and the other is called tomorrow. Today is the right day to love, believe, do, and mostly live."