MARIGOLD (Boxer Mix)
I am happy to say that 2020 is almost over. One more day, and we can put this year behind us.
BEAUFORT, SC.....Sweet Marigold is a four-month-old Boxer Mix puppy brought to the Vet with a distal fracture. The history of Marigold was equally as confusing as 2020. Marigold was brought to the Vet after the Owner said she jumped down a big step and broke her leg. The confusion begins when the Owner realizes the cost and explains he was babysitting Marigold and gave Animal Control the original Owners name.
One man's confusion gives me great clarity when it comes to animals. I got tired of hearing the back and forth and said I would take Marigold. I intended to save her leg by plating it. Off she went to CVRC to see the Surgeons and develop a plan for this adorable puppy. Marigold was in a lot of pain when she arrived and needed several days to get stable before surgery.
Dr. Steve Garnett was the Orthopedic Surgeon chosen to repair Marigold's leg. Her x-rays showed a lateral condylar fracture of the right humerus. Thirty minutes into the surgery, I got a call from Dr. Garnett saying the plate they put in would not hold. Something more significant had happened to sweet Marigold, and the area that was broken was crushed and too fragile to hold a plate. The leg would have to be amputated.
Amputation was not the outcome we wanted. We wanted to save the leg and paid the price to do the surgery to keep the leg. Unfortunately, what we were told initially is not what happened to Marigold. Something far more forceful happened that caused the leg to be damaged beyond repair. The good news is Marigold is a young pup and will bounce back quickly.
I wish I could say that abuse was down in 2020, but that was not the case. The pandemic caused a lot of animals to be abandoned and discarded. It appears 2021 is not going to be any different. The only positive is that we are not shocked by the pandemic, and many animals have already been abandoned. We have two dogs that are on their way to our ER Hospital now. A St. Bernard that was shot and an older 14-year-old Lab that has been abused. The family no longer wants him and dropped him off to be PTS.
It looks like 2021 is starting with Families discarding the old to welcome in the new, young pups. Today is the last day to Donate toward 2020. Marigold needs all the help she can get in addition to all the dogs still needing Medical Care at Noah's Arks Rescue. Please, DONATE. Any amount is greatly appreciated.