OREO (Am. Bulldog)
FAYETTEVILLE, NC.....Every applicant that comes to us to adopt is checked out as if they were adopting an infant. People get upset, but in the end, they realize we do this to protect our dogs from neglect or abuse. We know and love pups and only want the best home for them given their medical condition.
When we get a plea to help an innocent puppy that was adopted to a family that abandons the puppy a month later with broken feet and leg, our hearts break for this little one. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS check out the people before handing over any animal. Good, responsible Adopters understand and are willing to give you whatever information you need to assure you the animal will be loved and cared for. If the person does not willingly give you the information, do not let them have the animal.
I am sure Cumberland County thought they were letting this sweet puppy go to a good family but look what has happened to her. The puppy was adopted at two months old, and they named her Rudolph. She is an American Bulldog Mix that was abandoned several days ago in a crate at Cumberland County with broken feet and a break around one of her knees. The injuries are old, so this had to have happened right after they got her. Now they do not know who hurt the puppy or dropped her off, but they do know who they trusted to look after and care for her.
We have changed Rudolph's name to Oreo. This is an ongoing Animal Abuse and Neglect Case. We do not know any more than the information we were given. Our focus has to be on saving this sweet puppy and doing whatever we can to get her walking again. Right now, she is unable to walk, and we are not sure if we are going to be able to fix her. Dr. Jennifer Au and I have been going back and forth since the injuries are not fresh, and some of the bones have already fused in the wrong position.
We have her foot splinted, but her one leg is a mess. It looks like someone went after this little puppy with a hammer. I decided to have Dr. Au go in surgically to see if she can either break or cut some bone to create a functional leg. We will not know if that is possible until she gets in. The only other option would be to amputate the leg. This puppy needs to be given a chance to keep her leg if we can rebuild what she has.
Oreo is in terrible pain and does not even want to try to walk because nothing is working correctly on her front legs. How could anyone allow this puppy to suffer the way she has. If this was an accident, why did you not get her treated? I have so many questions in my head that I have a headache from the stress of what someone allowed to happen to adorable Oreo.
Right now, we need to focus on getting her better. Please, Donate whatever you can so we can give this innocent puppy a chance and a good life. Karma will have to take care of the horrible people that abandoned her in this condition.