Rhythm & Blues
These two amazing tiny Pitties are the pups of Skittles. You can read more about their Mom and how they came into being with us on her page. They were born at Noah's Arks Rescue. Their Mother died a couple of months ago from Cancer. We did not adopt them out because Skittles did so much better while they were with her. Sadly, she lost her battle, and we think it is time to allow them to be adopted. We would love for them to be adopted together since they are the perfect ready-made Family.
They are tiny Pitbull Terrier Mixes that love kids and other dogs. Rhythm is the male and Blues is the female. They are 14 months old and are typical pups that like to wrestle and play from sun-up to sun-down. These two pups are very special to us and have the best personalities. We love them to pieces but want them to have a home all their own. If you think they might be right for your Family, please fill out our Adoption Application or drop us a note with questions.