CHARLESTON, SC......Adorable Ella is a 4-month-old pure breed German Shepherd that started having seizures about a month ago. We were contacted when she had been given away to someone that was willing to help her if she only had a couple of seizures a day. She was picked up by the new Family on Friday and by Sunday had over 200 seizures. We were contacted and sent a video. I immediately had her taken to CVRC (Charleston Veterinary Referral Center) in Charleston, SC.
Sweet Ella is now heavily sedated so they can get her seizures under control. The more prolonged and more frequent seizures are, the more they cause swelling in the brain which is Life-Threatening. We have never had a dog have this many seizure which is why we wanted her taken to our ER as soon as possible. Dr. Jeremy Shomper will be Ella's Neurologist that will be determing what is wrong with her.
These many seizures could be any number of conditions. We are not even going to guess since that is all it would be. Ella is scheduled to have an MRI done as soon as they can do it. The best we have determined, Ella was not born having seizures. It was something she developed about four weeks ago. She came from a Non-Registered Breeder that breeds German Shepherds. A lot of bloodwork has been sent out, and a spinal tap will be done later today.
As beautiful as this special Angel is, Quality of Life has to be our top priority. If we cannot get the seizures under control, we will have to put Ella down. Seizures are terrible for dog in small doses, but when they have this many, it is inhumane to allow the dog to suffer this way. We are doing everything possible to determine the cause and give Ella a good quality of Life. The Diagnostic Testing we have to do is costly. She will need an MRI and a Spinal Tap, and that is just the beginning.
Dear Ella will remain in ICU on 24-hour watch to keep her seizures under control. She is sleepy but aware of her surroundings and is being loved on constantly. Please, Donate whatever you can so we can get Ella well so she can go back to being a typical little puppy.