SKY (Maltese)
Sadly, we have to let everyone know that beautiful Sky has crossed over The Rainbow Bridge. Sky showed significant improvement a week after her shunt procedure. She had to go back to see her Neurologist, Dr. Jason King, to have the pressure adjusted once, making a big difference. Unfortunately, it did not last. One day she was good, and the next, she was not. Dr. King remained optimistic she could get through this transition period.
She started having seizures, and her meds did not give her any relief. After several days of losing her ability to walk, I decided Sky did not have a good Quality of Life, and I needed to make the hard decision. In a matter of seconds, our little Angel crossed over The Rainbow Bridge.
Helping an animal cross-over is one of the hardest decisions to make. It is never done without going over every medical report and notes about the animal with the Staff and Surgeons. The heart of it all is Quality of Life. Sadly, the abuse and neglect we see daily cannot be restored to the degree that gives the animal back their Life. They will always get unconditional Love and Care, but to survive in a meaningful way, you need more.
Tonight when you look up in the Midnight Sky, think of our beautiful fluffy Angel with her Golden Wings. Sky will be whole and happy and able to run around and play with all the other puppies that have passed before her.
Thanks for allowing Sky to have her shunt surgery to determine if the shunt made a difference with her Hydrocephalus. We didn't get the results that we wanted, but we did get the opportunity to love and adore this special girl.