ZIGGY (Poodle)
I hope this note finds everyone safe and healthy. With the Coronavirus spreading so rapidly, we are each in dire need of Love and Support during this difficult time. The Coronavirus is causing a lot of Families to abandon their Family pets for lack of funds and food. We are doing our best to help any way we can to prevent these pups from being abandoned or abused.
Adorable Ziggy is one of those pups that no one thought mattered but the Vet and Staff where he was taken to be euthanized. I got a call begging for help with a 4-year-old male poodle the owner said had been hit by a car. Ziggy had a head injury, broken jaw, and could barely walk. I agreed, and he was transported to CVRC in Charleston, SC.
I had already sent all of the information I had received about Ziggy to the ER Team, so they were prepared for his arrival. The first red flag was from the ER Vet. that did not believe Ziggy had been hit by a car. He barely weighs four pounds, and his injuries are not consistent with a hit by car. I went back to the person that contacted me to get more information. I found out this was the second poodle the Family had brought in to be euthanized because of a hit by car. The first dog was euthanized.
The Family explained they let the dogs out, and they go into the busy street. They also said they had left Ziggy lying outside in the road during the night after he had been hit. The information makes me go from mad to heart-sick for this adorable tiny pup. How insensitive can you be and stupid? If you already lost one dog, why on Earth would you let another one out to run in the street. The Vet cannot give me the name of the couple, or I would post their name all over, so they do not get any more dogs to kill.
I have to focus my attention on something I can do, which helps this sweet pup get better. Ziggy's injuries are from some form of blunt force trauma. He has a fracture to his skull, his jaw is broken, and his right eye is destroyed and has to be removed. If a car hit him, he would be dead, in my opinion, and the Vets. Ziggy is TINY.
We did a Cat Scan at CVRC to access all of his injuries before going into surgery. Our little Angel is very wobbly, so we know he has brain swelling. We have to know how much and where and also make sure he is stable enough to do surgery. After several days of getting him stable, the jaw was the first procedure that was addressed so that Ziggy could eat. He was not stable during the procedure, so they did the jaw repair and quickly brought him out to recovery.
The ICU Team gave him a day to recover and gave him medication to address the brain issues he was experiencing during anesthesia. They removed his eye the next day that was infected, and he was still having difficulty during surgery. The surgery was done, but our tiny pup now needed a lot of time to recover in ICU.
There need to be stringent measures that prevent uncaring, abusive people from adopting dogs and cats. There is no excuse for this dog to be here now, fighting for his Life. Ziggy will never be the same because of this Family. Put your dog on a leash and take him for a WALK, but do not let him run loose.
I am fed up with insensitive, uncaring people that have no sense of decency. Ziggy is one of the sweetest pups. All he wants to do is curl up in your lap. He loves everyone. Even with a head injury and broken jaw, he did not give the ER Team any trouble. All he wanted to do was give lop-sided kisses because his jaw was displaced.
Ziggy is finally resting comfortably. It will be months before we know if his head injury will resolve. He is given medication to help with the swelling, but only time will tell. We know these are terrible times for everyone. We are each in the same boat. The Coronavirus has undoubtedly leveled the playing field in the World as we once knew it. Unfortunately, abuse and neglect are going to get worse, not better. Please, DONATE if you can without causing hardship to yourself.
We had to close Fetch Mkt. to the public two weeks ago and are only open to online business, which we desperately need. We did a year-long renovation on the space next door that has doubled the size of the store, which is beautiful. Unfortunately, you will have to get the feel of the store via online access until the Pandemic has passed, and we are allowed to open to the public again. If you cannot donate at this time, please shop at Fetch Mkt, where 100% of the profits go toward saving the dogs we take in.