Kiss That Frog - Fer a Cheval Assorted Soaps In Sisal Bag


Our gentle perfumed soaps associate a vegetable soap made with our Fer à Cheval Marseille soap with argan or sweet almond oil and shea butter well-known for their nourishing properties.

They are presented in a sisal soap bag, a fiber from the plant of the agave family.

This bag will gently exfoliate your skin while recycling your soap crumbs.

Set Includes: Soap Bag,
White Tea & Yuzu bar soap
Honey & Almond bar soap
Energizing Lavender bar soap
Rose Petal bar soap
Aqua Tangerine bar soap


Fer à Cheval is one of the founders of the UPSM (Union des Professionnels du Savon de Marseille), literally Union of Marseille Soap Professionals, which strives for the certification of authentic Marseille soap.

This logo guarantees a soap made:

• exclusively from plant-based oils, without chemical additives, preservatives, or fragrance

• in cauldrons according to the ancestral, 5-step, Marseille process

• in Marseille.

Kiss That Frog is a family owned and operated business located in Berkeley, California. We have been in business for 23 years as a manufacturer and distributor of fine housewares. 

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